New Jersey Medical School (NJMS) and TCNJ have a formal articulation agreement allowing incoming freshman applicants to be accepted to both the medical school and TCNJ and to earn both the baccalaureate from TCNJ and the MD degree from NJMS in seven years.
Biology, BS, MD
School of Science, New Jersey Medical School
Chemistry, BS, MD
School of Science, New Jersey Medical School
Computer Science, BS, MD
School of Science, New Jersey Medical School
Mathematics, BS, MD
School of Science, New Jersey Medical School
Physics, BS, MD
School of Science, New Jersey Medical School
SUNY College of Optometry (Manhattan, New York) and TCNJ have a formal articulation agreement allowing freshman applicants to be accepted to both the optometry school and TCNJ and to earn both the BS in Biology from TCNJ and the OD degree from SUNY in seven years.
Biology, BS, OD
School of Science, SUNY College of Optometry
The Jefferson College of Pharmacy of Thomas Jefferson University and TCNJ have a formal articulation agreement allowing freshman applicants to be enrolled in an early assurance program for both the pharmacy school and TCNJ and to earn both the baccalaureate (in either biology or chemistry) from TCNJ and the PharmD degree from Jefferson.
Biology, BS, PharmD
School of Science, Jefferson College of Pharmacy
Chemistry, BS, PharmD
School of Science, Jefferson College of Pharmacy
Physical Therapy
The Jefferson College of Rehabilitation Sciences of Thomas Jefferson University and TCNJ have a formal articulation agreement allowing freshman applicants to be accepted to both the physical therapy school and TCNJ and to earn both the baccalaureate (in either health and exercise science or biology) from TCNJ and the DPT degree from Jefferson in seven years.