- Also see Departmental Faculty Page
Angela Capece – Plasma Physics
Assistant Professor of Physics
Ph.D., California Institute of Technology
Research Interests – Dr. Capece’s research involves experimental studies of the interactions that occur at plasma-solid and plasma-liquid interfaces. Plasma materials interactions are important for nanomaterials synthesis, environmental remediation, plasma medicine, and fusion devices. She is specifically interested in surface modifications and the transport of reactive species in plasma discharges.
Teaching Interests – Dr. Capece is currently teaching an introductory physics course on electricity and magnetism, and she will be developing an advanced course on plasma physics.
Shannon Graham – Geophysics
Assistant Professor of Physics
Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison
Research Interests – The focus of Dr. Graham’s research is to contribute to a deeper understanding of the causes of deformation of the Earth’s crust (e.g., earthquakes, volcanoes) and their hazard potential. Using geodetic and seismic data to constrain computer-based models, she strives to answer questions regarding how motion is accommodated across plate boundaries and its impact on both future earthquakes and society. Other research interests include modeling the source location, duration, and migration of slow slip events, their potential to trigger large earthquakes, and advancing current techniques for investigating crustal deformation in both model representation and data analysis.
Teaching Interests – Dr. Graham teaches introductory geology and advanced geology/geophysics. She is also interested in tectonics, geophysical inverse theory, geophysical data processing, computer-based modeling, natural hazards, and Earth history.
More information – Dr. Graham’s Page
Lauranne Lanz – Extragalactic Astrophysics
Assistant Professor of Physics
Ph.D., Harvard University
Research Interests – Dr. Lanz researches the evolution of galaxies, particularly their evolution from a state where they are actively growing and forming new stars to a quiescent state where growth has stopped. She is particularly interested in the role played in this transition by activity of their supermassive black hole. She uses both ground and space telescopes to observe different aspects of galaxies in order to investigate the physics of the evolution of galaxies.
Teaching Interests – Dr. Lanz is currently teaching an introductory course of the solar system as well as the advanced astrophysics course. She is interested in including the practice of research via projects in her courses as well as experience with naked-eye and telescope observing.
Nathan Magee – Cloud Microphysics
Professor of Physics
Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University
Research Interests – Dr. Magee’s research is in Experimental Cloud Microphysics. Dr. Magee and his students are conducting experiments that probe the microscale phase-change processes of ice under very cold conditions. He is interested in applying novel experimental techniques to atmospheric research, including electrodynamic levitation and in-situ ellipsometry. Other research interests include development and implementation of new technologies for precision precipitation and water-vapor measurements, microphotography of ice, atmospheric radiation measurements, and statistical analysis of physics pedagogies.
Teaching Interests – Dr. Magee routinely teaches introductory meteorology and general physics along with upper-level physics core courses. Dr. Magee also coordinates the Secondary Education program in Physics and he is interested in helping bridge pedagogical theory and practice for our teaching candidates and faculty. He is currently developing a new seminar course, Research Fundamentals in Physics and an upper-level elective course: The Physics of Clouds and Climate. Dr. Magee also enjoys teaching experimental design and fabrication techniques to research students.
More information – Dr. Magee’s Page
David McGee – Photonics and Nonlinear Optics
Professor of Physics and Department Chair
Ph.D., Bryn-Mawr College
Research Interests – David McGee’s research is at the intersection of photonics and materials science, with an emphasis on the linear and nonlinear optical properties of novel organic-inorganic nanostructured materials. Students in his laboratory work with state of the art equipment, including Argon lasers, nanosecond pulsed Nd:YAG lasers, and single-photon detectors. His research is funded by the National Science Foundation, and involves physics, chemistry, and engineering students on a year-round basis in both Independent Study projects and full time paid summer employment.
Teaching Interests – David McGee has taught most courses in the physics curriculum, and has been funded by NSF to develop new instructional lab experiences in modern optics and organic electronic devices. Presently he is teaching the introductory physics course sequence and is developing new laboratories for the Physics 495 Advanced Experimental Physics course. Dr. McGee also teaches a study-abroad course in Germany focused on the history of atomic physics, and is working with the Beuth University of Applied Science in Berlin on joint degree programs with TCNJ.
More Information – Dr. McGee’s Page
Nicholas Nesh – Computational Biophysics
Professor of Physics
Ph.D., Florida State University
Research Interests – Dr. Nesh and his students perform research in biophysics, with emphases on computational design and study of druglike agents that might be useful for treatments of various diseases. These include cancers and neurodegenerative disorders that develop due to either suppression or overexpression of programmed cell death (apoptosis). Dr. Nesh published and presented his research in international venues.
Teaching Interests – Dr. Nesh has taught at all levels of the curriculum. He created several new physics and interdisciplinary courses, played a leading role in the development of the Biomedical Physics Specialization, co-initiated the 7 year BS/MD program within the Physics major, and authored laboratory manuals. Dr. Nesh has mentored numerous student independent research projects that led to presentations, publications, and national recognition.
Tuan Nguyen – Experimental Biophysics
Associate Professor of Physics
Ph.D., University of California Berkeley
Research Interests – Dr. Nguyen’s research lies at the interface of physics and biology. Specifically, he is interested in studying the physics of living neuronal networks. By applying techniques such as laser scanning photostimulation and calcium imaging, neuronal network activity can be simultaneously stimulated and recorded, allowing for analysis of many unique and emergent network properties.
Teaching Interests – Dr. Nguyen teaches the introductory physics course sequence as well as a biophysics course offered every other year.
More Information – Dr. Nguyen’s Page
Romulo Ochoa – Optics & Lasers
Professor of Physics
Ph.D., Catholic University of America
Research Interests – Dr. Ochoa and his students study materials structure and properties using optical spectroscopy techniques such as Raman and photoluminescence. He also designs and develops experiments for introductory physics courses. Other studies have students trapping and manipulating micro-particles and cells using optical tweezers.
Teaching Interests – Dr. Ochoa teaches introductory level as well as upper level physics courses. The latter include Analog and Digital Electronics, Mathematical Physics, Electromagnetic Waves and Optics, Condensed Matter, and Classical Mechanics. He has mentored multiple independent research students; some of this work has led to student coauthored publications.
More Information – Dr. Ochoa’s Page
A.J. Richards – Physics Education
Associate Professor of Physics
Ph.D., Rutgers University
Research Interests – Dr. Richards’ research specialty is in the subfield of physics education research. Specifically, he studies how students use their prior knowledge to build understanding of new physics topics.
Teaching Interests – Dr. Richards’ teaching interests lie in introductory physics. He enjoys assisting new physics majors on their first steps towards their major, and giving non-majors a taste of the subject he loves.
More Information – Dr. Richards’ Page (In Progress)
Thulsi Wickramasinghe – Cosmology
Professor of Physics
Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania
Research Interests – Dr Wickramasinghe and his students investigate various astronomical systems to see if they can be used as successful detectors of gravitational waves. He also researches on microlensing due to the white dwarfs in the Milky Way. In addition to his interests in astronomy, he studies various boundary value problems in mathematical fluid dynamics and has a keen interest in the astronomical aspects of origin of life in the universe and in archeoastronomy.
Teaching Interests – Dr Wickramasinghe’s teaching spans a wide area of advanced physics, including elementary astronomy. His teaching includes General Relativity, Electrodynamics, Mathematical Physics, etc. Over the years, he as supervised many student research projects and has traveled with his students to international meetings to present their work.
More Information – Dr. Wickramasinghe’s Page