- Also see Departmental Faculty Page
Nick Battista – Mathematical Biology, Numerical Analysis
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Research Interests – Dr. Battista’s research lies at the intersection of mathematical modeling and scientific computing, where he specializes in the realm of biological fluid dynamics. He creates fluid-structure interaction models to better understand the role of blood flow in various stages of heart development, investigating the force distribution and morphogen gradients exerted by the blood flow, as well as, in turn, the effects of the heart’s complex morphologies on the flow profiles themselves. He also works on numerous other projects, such as aquatic locomotion and maneuverability, group behavior, and comparative biomechanics.
Teaching Interests – Dr. Battista has taught many introductory and advanced undergraduate courses, ranging from pre-calculus and calculus to numerical analysis, methods of applied math, and mathematical modeling. He has also mentored students from various scientific and engineering fields, such as math, biology, physics and mechanical engineering, on a variety of research projects.
More Information – Dr. Battista’s Page
Karen Clark – Mathematical Modeling
Associate Professor of Mathematics
Ph.D., Courant Institute, New York University
Research Interests – Mathematical modeling of composite materials, climate modeling.
Teaching Interests – Linear Algebra, Differential Equations, Partial Differential Equations, Calculus
More Information – Dr. Clark’s Page
Andrew Clifford – Combinatorial Group Theory
Professor of Mathematics
Ph.D., State University of New York – Albany
Research Interests – Dr. Clifford’s field of mathematics is Combinatorial Group Theory. This branch of math is at the intersection of algebra and low-dimensional topology. His particular interests include equations over groups and automorphisms of free groups.
Teaching Interests – Dr. Clifford has taught a wide array of courses for the Department of Mathematics and Statistics. Recently, his focus has been on the calculus sequence and various upper level courses in geometry and topology.
More Information – Dr. Clifford’s Page
Robert Cunningham – Math Education
Professor of Mathematics Education
E.D., Temple University
Research Interests – Topics in Math Education including Technology in Support of Instruction
Teaching Interests –
More Information – Dr. Cunningham’s Page
Cynthia Curtis – Knot Theory & Three-Dimensional Spaces
Professor of Mathematics
Ph.D., Yale University
Research Interests – Professor Curtis studies three-dimensional spaces (such as our universe) and knots. Interestingly, all three-dimensional spaces can be built from knots, so understanding knots and understanding 3-dimensional spaces are closely related. Most of her work involves trying to understand how we can recognize when two spaces or two knots are different from one another. (Imagine two different massively tangled shoe laces and ask yourself how you would know if they are tangled in exactly the same way!)
Teaching Interests – Most frequently, I teach multivariable calculus and various upper level courses in geometry and topology. I have also occasionally taught courses in algebra and number theory, and one semester I taught an FSP on the shape of the universe. Finally, I very much enjoy supervising undergraduate research projects, most commonly in knot theory.
More Information – Dr. Curtis’ Page
Bill Franczak – Algorithmic Randomness
Visiting Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Ph.D., Lehigh University
Research Interests – Dr. Franczak is a pure mathematician specializing in algorithmic randomness- the study of attempting to quantify the amount of randomness that a sequence exhibits according to the constructs of computability theory.
Teaching Interests – Dr. Franczak teaches introductory calculus courses.
Jana Gevertz – Mathematical Biology
Professor of Mathematics
Ph.D., Princeton University
Research Interests – Dr. Gevertz works in the field of mathematical biology, studying cancer progression using tools from applied and computational mathematics. In particular, Dr. Gevertz aims to synthesize data gathered by biologists and clinicians in order to quantify the complex multi-scale interactions that occur within a tumor, and between a tumor and its surrounding environment. By analyzing these mathematical models, Dr. Gevertz seeks to gain a better understanding of tumor growth and treatment.
Teaching Interests – Dr. Gevertz teaches introductory calculus courses and upper-level applied mathematics courses, including Differential Equations, Linear Programming, Mathematical Biology, and Numerical Methods. She has also mentored students from various School of Science majors in independent study, capstone, and research experiences.
More Information – Dr. Gevertz’s Page
Thomas R. Hagedorn – Number Theory & Algebra
Professor of Mathematics and Department Chair
Ph.D. Harvard University
Research Interests – Professor Hagedorn’s main research interests are in number theory and algebra, specifically elliptic curves, representation theory, and invariant theory. He has also worked on a number of problems in computational mathematics and some recent work has focused on extending the number of values known for various problems in algebra and number theory. This work is a combination of improved mathematical algorithms and efficient computer algorithms. Previously, he has worked in combinatorics and applied algebraic geometry (in phylogenetics to predict evolutionary trees in biology).
Teaching Interests – Professor Hagedorn primarily teaches courses in linear algebra, abstract algebra and number theory, but also has interests in the teaching of calculus and the use of technology in mathematics instruction. He has taught courses in cryptography, geometry, the mathematics of voting and choice, and the culture, politics and science of food (as part of the TCNJ’s FSP program). He has also mentored many independent study, independent research, and capstone projects on a diverse range of subjects including cryptography, the rank of elliptic curves, the circumference of an ellipse, Riemann surfaces, and moduli spaces in physics.
More Information – Dr. Hagedorn’s Page
Nancy Hingston – Differential Geometry & Topology
Professor of Mathematics
Ph.D., Harvard University
Research Interests – Differential geometry and topology; loop spaces, symplectic dynamics, closed geodesics, Hamiltonian systems. Dr. Hingston has spent five academic years: 1985-86, 1998-99, 2005-06, and 2011-2013 as a member at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton.
Teaching Interests – Multivariable calculus, differential geometry, complex analysis, differential and algebraic topology.
More Information – Dr. Hingston’s Page
Judit Kardos – Real Analysis
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Ph.D., University of Missouri – Kansas City
Research Interests – I am interested in problems in Real Analysis that provide insight into the highly unintuitive nature of the actually infinite. I worked on problems related to Cantor-type sets on the real line, finding Hausdorff dimensions and measures of such sets. I am also interested in understanding the changes in the wider historical and philosophical views of the infinite that eventually lead to the legitimization of the use of the actually infinite in mathematics.
Teaching Interests – I have implemented new technology in our introductory courses in Statistics and Linear Algebra. I was in charge of recreating our course in History of mathematics with a broader philosophical perspective to satisfy the World Views of Knowing Liberal learning requirement. I have guided several capstone projects in the areas of Number theory and Real analysis. I am teaching all my courses as discovery based, problem solving courses in the Hungarian tradition. Courses offered regularly include Calculus and courses in Real analysis including upper level seminars and Independent Research.
More Information – Dr. Kardos’ Page
Cathy S. Liebars – Mathematics Education
Associate Professor of Mathematics Education and Associate Department Chair
Ph.D., Lehigh University
Research Interests – For the last several years, Dr. Liebars has been interested in investigating the impact of sustained professional development on the teaching and learning of K-12 teachers and their students. She is currently co-directing a Woodrow Wilson Foundation Grant to revise and implement a MAT program in the STEM areas.
Teaching Interests – Dr. Liebars teaches content and methods courses for preservice teachers at all levels K-12. In particular, she has created and teaches a series of courses for students and teachers who wish to obtain the middle school endorsement in mathematics. She also supervises student teachers and is the Coordinator of Math Education for the department.
More Information – Dr. Liebars’ Page
Steffen Marcus – Algebraic Geometry
Associate Professor of Mathematics
Ph.D., Brown University
Research Interests – My Research is in moduli theory and algebraic geometry. I work on questions related to moduli of curves, stable maps, Gromov-Witten theory of varieties and orbifolds, logarithmic geometry, and tropical geometry.
Teaching Interests – I am currently teaching Proof Writing through Discrete Mathematics (Math 200) and Number Theory (Math 301). Courses I have previously taught include Calculus, Discrete Mathematics, Number Theory, Geometry, and various topics courses.
More Information – Dr. Marcus’ Page
Matthew Mizuhara – Mathematical Biology
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University
Research Interests – Matthew Mizuhara works in mathematical biology, combining modeling, analysis, and numerical simulation techniques. His current work analyzes partial differential equation models related to actin driven cell motility.
Teaching Interests – Matthew Mizuhara enjoys teaching a wide variety of courses ranging from calculus to upper-division courses in applied mathematics, such as real analysis, differential equations, and mathematical biology.
Sharon Navard – Statistics & Instrument Calibration
Assistant Professor of Statistics
Ph.D., The University of Southwestern Louisiana
Research Interests – Dr. Navard is interested in Instrument Calibration, Reliability, Variance Bounds, and Quality Control.
Teaching Interests –
More Information – Dr. Navard’s Page
Michael Ochs – Computational Biology
Professor of Mathematics
Ph.D., Brandeis University
Research Interests – Dr. Ochs is primarily interested in the intersection of statistical and physical models, particularly in the field of cancer biology. His work involves the creation of Bayesian computational methods that permit inference of activity in biological networks. His focus is on graphical models and integration of molecular data.
Teaching Interests – Dr. Ochs teaches statistics with a focus on computational statistics and statistical learning in large data sets, which is often referred to as data mining. In each class he tries to address not only the methodological issues but also the question of when the data may fail to reflect the complexity of the objects under study.
More Information – Dr. Ochs’s Page
Aigli Papantonopoulou – Algebraic Geometry & Commutative Algebra
Professor of Mathematics
Ph.D., University of California at Berkeley
Research Interests – Dr. Papantonopoulou has worked on classification problems in Algebraic Geometry and Commutative Algebra, specifically on algebraic curves and surfaces over the complex numbers.
Teaching Interests – Dr. Papantonopoulou has taught a broad range of courses in mathematics, starting with Calculus, Number Theory, Complex variables, and Abstract Algebra. She has taught senior seminars in Group Theory and in Galois Theory. Her textbook Algebra: Pure and Applied has been published by Prentice Hall.
More Information – Dr. Papantonopoulou’s Page
Dave Reimer – Combinatorics & Graph Theory
Associate Professor of Mathematics
Ph.D., Rutgers University
Research Interests – Combinatorics, Graph Theory.
Teaching Interests –
More Information – Dr. Reimer’s Page
Susan Schmoyer – Algebraic Number Theory and Cryptography
Visiting Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Ph.D., University of Maryland
Research Interests – Dr. Schmoyer’s main area of research interest is algebraic number theory. She studies the Tate-Lichtenbaum pairing on elliptic curves and hyperelliptic curves and their applications to cryptography. Dr. Schmoyer also has a keen interest in the mathematics of Spirograph curves and programming Sage (a computer algebraprogram) to draw them.
Teaching Interests – Dr. Schmoyer enjoys teaching courses at all levels of mathematics, from precalculus to senior-level courses. Her favorite courses include Multivariable Calculus and Number Theory.
Rachel Snider – Mathematics Education
Assistant Professor in Mathematics Education
Ph.D., University of Michigan
Research Interests – Dr. Snider’s research focuses on mathematics teacher knowledge and teacher education. In particular, she considers the knowledge and reasoning entailed in carrying out particular teaching practices, such as selecting examples and giving explanations. She is also interested in how teachers develop their knowledge and reasoning in mathematics methods and content courses, as well as in professional development.
Teaching Interests – Drawing on her own experience as a secondary mathematics teacher, Dr. Snider teaches content and methods courses for elementary and secondary pre-service teachers. She also has experience supervising student teachers and teaching in informal settings. In her teaching, she emphasizes knowledge for teaching, the development of teaching practices, and engaging students in disciplinary practices
Gregory Stock – Statistical Inference for Stochastic Optimization Problems
Visiting Assistant Professor in Statistics
Ph.D., Stevens Institute of Technology
Research Interests – Dr. Stock’s research interests include: 1) Statistical inference for Stochastic Optimization problems; 2) Statistical properties of neurons that result in the brain’s ability to perform statistical inference; and 3) Statistical and physical laws that reduce the computational burden of neurons.
Teaching Interests – Dr. Stock’s interested in the use of technology, active learning, and writing assignments in mathematics and statistics courses at all levels of the curriculum.
More Information – Dr. Stock’s Linkedin page
Suriza Van der Sandt – Pre-Service Math Teacher Education
Professor of Mathematics Education
Ph.D., Potchefstroom University (South Africa)
Research Interests – Dr. Van der Sandt conducts research in the broad area of pre-service mathematics teacher education. Her research interests include geometry teaching and learning, focusing on spatial orientation and spatial insight. More recently she has also conducted research on factors influencing teaching and learning of pre-service mathematics teachers (e.g. mathematics anxiety) as well as factors affecting observational learning (e.g. self-efficacy and outcome expectations).
Teaching Interests – Dr. Van der Sandt’s teaching covers both pure mathematics and mathematics education. Pure mathematics courses include Calculus and Applied Liberal Art Mathematics. Mathematics education courses include both content courses and methodology courses specifically designed for education students: e.g. Mathematical Structures and Algorithms for Educators; Perspectives on the Development of Mathematics; Teaching Mathematics in the Early Childhood and the Elementary Classroom; Patterns, Functions, and Algebra for Middle School Teachers and regularly visits schools to observe senior mathematics education majors during their student teaching.
More Information – Dr. Van der Sandt’s page
Edward Voskanian – Analysis, Mathematical Quasicrystals
Visiting Assistant Professor of Mathematics / Teacher-Scholar Faculty Fellow
Ph.D., University of California, Riverside
Research Interests – Dr. Voskanian’s research focuses on the connections between the theory of mathematical quasicrystals and complex dimensions. Using a refined mathematical analog of kinematic diffraction, he is working to better understand the interference patterns resulting from the scattering of incoming waves by the sets of complex dimensions of non-lattice self-similar fractal strings. He also studies the use of a popular tool in lattice basis reduction, known as the LLL algorithm, to obtain simultaneous Diophantine approximations.
Teaching Interests – Dr. Voskanian has experience teaching both introductory and advanced undergraduate mathematics courses, ranging from pre-calculus and calculus to more advanced courses such as proof writing, real analysis, and linear algebra. He likes experimenting with active learning techniques, and he makes a conscious effort to foster a supportive classroom environment where students can thrive. Dr. Voskanian has acquired a significant amount of experience mentoring students, and he is committed to maintaining an inclusive student-centered research program.
Qifu Zheng – Group Representation Multivariate Statistics
Associate Professor of Mathematics
Ph.D., University of Vermont
Research Interests – Group Representations, Integral Transformations, Multivariate Statistics.
Teaching Interests –
More Information – Dr. Zheng’s Page